Monthly Archives: December 2012

Another break from Trade Shows; My new Floral Haiku Collection

Taking a brief break from Trade Show talk and showing off my new Floral Haiku watercolor collection.

Dennis' lovely logo

Dennis’ lovely logo

Working on changing my style

Working on changing my style

Months ago I wanted to change my style, not a lot, but enough to please me. I wanted to paint with my arm and shoulder more and less with my wrists.To generally loosen up the feel and look of my watercolors.

Considerable painting time went into playing and practicing to combine looks I liked and come up with a new look of my own.

Sumi e brushes

Sumi e brushes

types of Sumi-e brushes

types of Sumi-e brushes

At this time I discovered long forgotten Sumi e brushes in my very large collection of brushes. I watched some videos on Sumi  brush painting and learned how to use the brush. You have to hold it differently and usually have one color on the body of the brush and another darker on the tip. The brushes come to very fine points and are great for calligraphic lines and swirls. It takes a lot of practice to master the correct way to hold the brush and I haven’t quite gotten there yet, but I’ll keep trying.

Sumi e painting

Sumi e painting

Renoir my favorite impressionist painter

Renoir my favorite impressionist painter

trendy floral designs in fashion

trendy floral designs in fashion



As usual I did a lot of googling and looking at art styles, poetry, and fashionable florals on fabric that I liked.

A lot of joy and excitement went into these paintings. Also a lot of frustration and sweat when I didn’t succeed. The rejects mounted. I’m tearing them into pieces and want to try using them for some watercolor collage designs.

 Peony andPoppies CollageThe first

Peony andPoppies Collage 

“Breezy”was the first painting completed.



Then came “Airy”

Hydrangea and Hollyhocks, Sort

Hydrangea and Hollyhocks, Soft

By painting number three, “Soft” my hand was picking up the new rhythm of my painting. Sometimes painting feels like playing music. The touch, movement and intensity or softness has to be just right and it all needs to flow. I guess that is “getting into the flow.” It’s a wonderful place to be!

Sunflower and Mum,Fresh

Sunflower and Mum,Fresh

And finally there came “Fresh”

Me in my painting hat

Me in my painting hat

I guess it wouldn’t be far fetched to say I’m happy.


Filed under Collection, Creativity and Fun, Flowers, Nature, Uncategorized