Monthly Archives: July 2013

Fourth of July Fabrics

Dennis has designed some wonderful Fourth of July and Patriotic fabrics for Robert Kaufman in New York City.What made me think of this now are these absolutely fun photos that my friend Irene sent of her grandchildren Ben and Rachel.

Irene and the kids designed their Fourth costumes this year using one of Dennis’ fabrics.

Ben and Rachel

Ben and Rachel

Ben all decked out

Ben all decked out

Here is the original fabric.

American Flags

American Flags

And some of the other Patriotic designs for Robert Kaufman.

Patriotic fabrics for Robert Kaufman

Patriotic fabrics for Robert Kaufman

And speaking of products we just received our samples of this classic coaster design we did for Counter Art.

Leafy Autumn Coasters

Leafy Autumn Coasters

This is the same design that we did for Design Design paper tableware. See how colors can change.

Leafy Autumn coaster and Plate

Leafy Autumn coaster and Plate

I’ll end here on this autumnal note. I’m already looking forward to leaves falling and our annual vacation at Leetes Island, Guilford Ct. That’s where we transition from summer to fall every year.


Filed under Manufacturers, TABLETOP

Back from Atlanta July 2013 show

We got back from the Atlanta show this week. Despite all the time I spent making phone calls, I didn’t have much success this time in setting up appointments before the show. At first I was disappointed but it was a good lesson to always look for the up side of things.  I didn’t feel like being gloomy and decided that this would be a different kind of show. The trick is to decide how long you want to spend feeling bad and then stop and switch to a better frame of mind.

This time, I made up our show schedule differently. I did it by floor and marked down the companies on each floor that we wanted to see. Instead of running from floor 18 to floor 6 and then back to 14 we started at 18 and worked our way down, doing a few floors each day.

We were there for three days and met with 12  companies. Five were new companies for us. This was one of our goals.

I hardly took any photos this time. Usually I am clicking that shutter all day long. This time I just wanted to focus on our meetings and on looking as carefully as I could at each showroom.

I did show off my new heron painting and got very good response.

Great Blue Heron watercolor

Great Blue Heron watercolor

We saw herons all over the place which may mean a new trend. We are putting mine into a design at the request of one of our clients who manufactures area rugs. I have been working on a comfortable watercolor style for painting birds and I think I have it now. There are all sorts of birds I want to paint now including  a peacock and flamingo. What fun!

Owls were still all over the place. We saw a lot of designs in black and white. Birds and nature themes still popular. Chevrons.

Sometimes, something old is something new.

Four Clipper Ships

Four Clipper Ships

 This is one of a set of four that Dennis did. They got a lot of interest at the show and would look good on many different products.

We did some networking and had dinner with friends and spent some time with our friend, artist Lucinda Wei.

And we did what we always do: track trends; look carefully at products; see what styles were popular and who the artists were. And this time I got that foot massage that I have been promising myself.

Here’s a recap of the things you will need to do when you get back from a show:

         •Send thank yous to all the manufacturers we met with

• Send out the designs that were requested as jpegs

• Create the new designs that were requested at the show

•Make notes on which companies were looking for what and when

     so that we can keep particular companies in mind when we are doing new designs.

            •Enter new companies and networking in our data base


Up up and away

Up up and away

Unpacking was a bit difficult. The cats were all glad to have us back at home.




Filed under Uncategorized